Urban Exploring: Episode 2 - Harvey Hirsch

In this edition of Urban Exploring, IquanW's former employer Harvey Hirsch takes over the episode to show him and Guru his old neighborhood, Coney Island. The trio started the day by having breakfast at one of Harvey's favorite spots, The El Greco Diner in Sheepshead Bay and after chowing down on the Brooklyn Breakfast of Eggs, Locks and Onions, they took a short ride to Brighton Beach where Harvey grew up. Harvey then showed the two where he made his first dollar by hustling comic books, sandwiches and lemonade to the beach goers. The last stop was lunch at the Original Nathans for some good old fashion hot dogs!
Here’s why we decided to ask Harvey to be included in this month's adventure...
Harv has traveled the world, in the US ARMY in Vietnam as a helicopter Crew Chief in 1968 and as an international marketing expert. He started and managed one of the most innovative direct market firms in America, winning all sorts of prestigious awards for his strategic communications work and for his revolutionary patented marketing technology. In fact in 2006 Xerox named his firm #1 on the planet when they awarded him their First Place PIXI Award for Variable Marketing. IquanW and many other students worked as paid interns in his agency, (and learned secrets that enable us to get and keep jobs). Now he's a food video blogger, specializing and having fun with getting his videos placed on page one of organic Google searches. But most importantly, Harv said he would buy us a real Brooklyn breakfast. He’s just a fun guy and he knows things and that's why you hang with a foodie! Check out his YouTube channels... Food of the World and Free Range Chow Hound. That's it for this month's Urban Exploring, stay tuned for Episode 3.

