If you keep going, eventually you’ll undoubtedly get to where you set out to go. That’s what has been happening for us here at THE ARTOHOLIKS. In 2016, two creatives with a common goal, to carry out their childhood dream of building an agency threw caution to the wind and went for it. In order to take on such big goals, we’ve had to take them one day at a time and build a winning team.

Over the past three years we’ve put in the work, in and outside the studio, with our proverbial blood, sweat, and tears dripping down our faces. We’ve had our share of challenges in a world where big agencies typically get all the glory but that didn’t stop us. We kept pressing forward, surprising even ourselves at times. Small agency, small client list, small clients… No Big Deal!

We’ve gotten good at setting goals and accomplishing them. We’ve gotten good at believing in ourselves and even better at motivating each other. It’s been working for us because we live the words we say: WE ARE ALWAYS ON; THIS IS AN OPEN FORUM FOR CREATIVITY; AND ART TRULY IS DOPE!

Our success, this journey, has taught us that what we want is always possible when met with the right attitude. We are a winning team and each of us has the stuff that champions are made of.

State Champs is our self-proclaimed title. Over the past three years, we set quarterly goals that added up to end of season goals, that then lead to big finishes. Each year, the goals became bigger and we answered! Thanks to our friends, families, clients, and fellow Artoholiks, 2016 through 2018 has been more than a figment of our imaginations.

103 – In 2016 we kicked off the NEW Artoholiks with Scotch Porter, our 223rd client. By the end of 2018, we inked in client number 333.
100 clients in 3 years, that’s 103!

There’s no “I” in team. Whoever, created that quote ain’t never lie. During the 2016-2018 journey, we worked with consultants, interns and our growing core team. Special thanks to Dominque, Kevin, Samia, Cheyonne, Ron, Aleesha, Migdale, Justin, Aaron, Rasheedah and Iquan for crushing 2018. In this graphic, we wanted to put our spin on the classic 90’s championship tees.

Astro, our mascot, has been the pulse to our culture. Astro, reminds us everyday that we’re cool, unique and fresh. Astro also reminds us to explore, to be free and creative. Most importantly, Astro is super cool and makes for killer graphics. What better way to display championship rings?

Hawks Red (short sleeve)
Hawk Grey Short Sleeve

$35.00 – $36.00
$35.00 – $36.00