Explore + Live & Inspire!



Throughout the course of the year, you've seen us documenting people, events and brands and in that process, we've learned a few things and shared them with you via photos and videos along the way. To keep the momentum going, we decided to release a new t-shirt collection this Summer and infuse our recipe for success...

EXPLORE: As creatives we feel that it’s extremely important to keep our eyes on what’s
new as well as what’s out there. We created a web series based on exactly that called Urban Exploring just to make our point of view clear.

LIVE: How can you design and sell anything if your trapped within four walls? We would not be living if we we’re not exploring things and living out our discoveries.

INSPIRE: Once you explore and live enough it’s important to take what you’ve learned and share it with your peers!
With the release of this collection, we are inviting 40 to 50 tastemakers who are not afraid to push the status quo. People who EXPLORE, LIVE and INSPIRE others on a daily basis.

At this event, guests will mix and mingle while viewing the artwork of the Artoholiks as well
as shop the limited edition collection of t-shirts and artistic expressions.



WHEN: Sunday August, 3rd 1PM to 4PM
WHERE: BOURGEOIS 1118 Liberty Avenue - Hillside, NJ 07205


Bourgeois is Essex & Union County's premiere boutique for both Men's and Women's premium clothing. The Bourgeois space is clean, classy, spacious and modern offering up a comfortable shopping experience as well a huge selection of the latest sneakers, denim, shirts and accessories.



Ream Supreme is one of our DJ's within the Artoholik crew and we selected him to spin this event because of his love for themed sets. You can look forward to hearing some of your favorite tracks that make you get up and enjoy life. Ream's set will be designed to make you happy, relaxed and ready to dance.


Instead of over using our brand elements on a t-shirt that would give you nothing but a cool looking tee, we felt that we should create a series of tees that you would be able to relate to. Quotes that you might have said a few times in your head or simply a few words that would inspire you to get up and get out.

Each tee was planned and developed from over 15 quotes, words and ideas. Each tee features at least one illustration from Iquan Worthington's doodle book and between illustrations, colors and quotes... we feel like we have a strong product. Our end goal with this collection is to deliver this message: Time waits for no one, get out EXPLORE, LIVE and INSPIRE.







The EXPLORE, LIVE and INSPIRE look book is themed to do everything that we preach...
CLAP FOR ME: Soar pass the people who hate what you stand for.
TO THE MOON: Reach for the moon when planning and attacking.
EXPLORE EVERYTHING: Explore everything even when it says "do not enter" go for it, satisfy that curiosity.
LOVE LIFE: Love life and what it has to offer, do the things that you always wanted to do and try the things you never did.
DROP SILENT BOMBS: People love news that they didn't expect. So once you plan your attack, drop the bomb silently.
After you explore and reach the moon, wave to the haters and ask them to clap for you because your loving life.



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Click here to see the full Lookbook



RECAP: Munny Social Trilogy

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This past Sunday (October 27th) The Artoholiks hosted their final Munny Social of the year after two successful ones in August and September. All events were hosted in Newark's Downtown Arts District at three locations which include Elbow Room, GMLV, and Center Stage Cuts. The events attracted over 90 guests, who all came ready to eat, create, relax and enjoy a niche event on a Sunday afternoon.

The overall goal for these events was to introduce the Newark Art scene to the custom Vinyl Toy Community, while socializing and having fun. In addition to all the action, each space acted as a personal art gallery for the IquanW's Custom Toy Collection. IquanW also of head the Artoholiks dove into the Custom Toy design world just under a year ago and has already collected and customized dozens of Munnys and Dunnys.

Munny Social 1: Just like the movies and music albums, "Munny Social 1" was the best because everyone was excited! It was brand new to everyone and they all grasped the concept.

Munny Social 2: Best venue hands down! GMLV! Definitely a place to be in, GMLV's design and atmosphere of exposed brick, glass walls, and open space, made the guests comfortable and allowed them to bring out the kid at heart, letting creativity take over. Unlike Elbow Room, where participants were under time restraints to finish their Munny, GMLV had no "clocking time", everyone was allowed to get it in!

Munny Social 3: Being the finale, we provided 4 DJ's to cater to the momentum of the event, as well as feature a branded step and repeat capturing the moment.

Overall: People had FUN! People came back! People shared! We have a feeling people will want a 4th Munny Social!









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Upon arrival, each guest was greeted with a bag that contained their Munny. The process was simple… get your bag, name tag, and get stamped! Guests that RSVP’ed via Meetup or Eventbrite were stamped with the RED Artoholik Astroman, certifying them as Artoholiks.
[rev_slider SpottingAstroHead]
[one_half_last]CREW LOVE
The energy of the event was outstanding, here are a few clips from our Munny lovers:

ARTOTV: Munny Social Shout Outs! from The Artoholiks on Vimeo.


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munnysocial-top20-01TOP 20 PHOTOS
by Guru

Knowing moi(me), expressing thoughts on why the following photographs spoke one thousand and one words to me; would take centuries. Hopefully, they do speak for themselves! But hey, I was given word from a high-ranking Artoholik commander to drop a few words on why these “XX Flicks” are dope! Each photo captures energy, so I guess you can say that these are my top energetic photos from the #MunnySocial trilogy. You also may notice that there are no faces in some pictures, but please note, I judged energy by body language and posture as well. Enjoy!

[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-10LMagic with his pregame pose.[/one_fourth]
[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-09JMine knows everything![/one_fourth]
[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-08You couldn't tell her nothing, honey child![/one_fourth]
[one_fourth_last]munnysocial-top20-07Ream Supreme was catching some sun.[/one_fourth_last]


[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-11Nunzio and his attention to detail.[/one_fourth]
[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-12Dom, showed off her Astro Head stamp first.[/one_fourth]
[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-13Munny Social Security Crew.[/one_fourth]
[one_fourth_last]munnysocial-top20-16Love from Queens.[/one_fourth_last]


[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-14The Showoffs![/one_fourth]
[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-15Adding kids to the family.[/one_fourth]
[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-17Whistle while you work![/one_fourth]
[one_fourth_last]munnysocial-top20-06Making friends with cowARDS?[/one_fourth_last]


[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-05They were probably laughing at me and not with me. Hmmm![/one_fourth]
[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-04I'm a magician.[/one_fourth]
[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-03Are we in school? So so serious?[/one_fourth]


[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-20Talking about energy![/one_fourth]
[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-19I'm not the only self absorbed person.[/one_fourth]
[one_fourth]munnysocial-top20-18Dude, the event is over please stop![/one_fourth]
[one_fourth_last]OUR FLICKR

Visit our flickr account for all the photos from all 3 #MunnySocial events!
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We don't mean to put people on the spot, but it wouldn't be fair if we didn't give our returning guests some love. Not only did The Munny Lovers below come through all three times, they assisted in ideas, set-up and general support. We love all of our crew members, friends and guests. The one timers are just as important to us.


Kaylan J...

Baby sat IquanW's Mega Munnys' the night before Munny Social 3.


Brought guests with him two of the three times and entertained other guests around him.

Layton W...

Provided music and tunes to vibe out to while you create and a bundle of moral support through the planning process. Offering help, ideas and advice.

Latoya N...

Long time supporter of The Artoholiks also gave an enormous amount of moral support.

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[two_third]DJ MUNNY
While Munny Social 3 was the only event of the three to have a live DJ or four, the Munny Social Trilogy was blessed with awesome tunes. In August, DJ Laytonic kicked the event series off with 90's Hip Hop and in September, IquanW brought his laptop into GMLV to bless the guests with his favorite tracks from artist such as Little Dragon, The Internet and DJ Day. Download the Munny Social 1 mix by DJ Laytonic for free by clicking here. DJ Ream Supreme also have a mix from Munny Social 3 for share, see below.[/two_third]






Batting in the cleanup spot, he delivered on his promise to hit the crowd with an alternative twist on today’s hits.



Got the guests right where he wanted them, FOCUSED. While guests were battling for best design, he blended classic Hip Hop & R&B hits.



Welcomed guests into the venue with a laid back sound, allowing them to mix, mingle, and bop their heads to hip hop instrumentals from the 90's.



Had guests dancing in their chairs and at the photobooth with his selection of Global Rhythms.


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[one_fourth]THE GRUB
Munny Social wasn't about the food, but Elbow Room set a tone so we continued to make sure the food was on point! Word on the street is guests enjoyed a great bowl of Mac and Cheese, Fancy Chicken wings covered in Jack Daniel Sauce, delicious Cake Pops and tasty Baked Ziti.



Known for their wonderful cups of Mac and Cheese in the bowl, guests were just as impressed with the decor and facade of this unique venue. Attendees were provided with several options to choose from such as the Cheese Burger Mac, Buffalo Chicken Mac and even a gluten free option for those who requested it.


Cliff brought his kitchen with him, preparing over 100 chicken wings in three different sauces, Jack Daniels Honey, Jack Daniel and Buffalo. But that's not it, he also whipped up a mean buffalo dipping sauce that was the talk of Munny Social 2.


After carefully listening to the feedback from both Munny Social food menus, we decided to piggy back off of the Elbow Room's pasta in a bowl format. Alisha McLean of RB's Candy Buffet whipped up Ziti and made it easy to serve in small aluminum container. Everyone loved the wings at Munny Social 2, but they left JD sauce on their Munnys! This time around, we made sure chicken was served with the ability to pick up and eat minus the mess. Oh yeah, people loved the food just as much as they appreciated the solution.

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[one_fourth]FINAL WORDS by IquanW & AleeshaW
We put a lot of hard work and effort into this event. Event planning and coordination is not easy. After three events, we still see ways to improve! We look back and say "we should have done that" but overall we are happy with the outcome! - Iquan & Aleesha
This year, I came up from under the rock and did some of the things I always TALKED about doing. I learned that no one respects you until they see something. I feel like I earned a new level of respect from my peers and I'm flattered and amazed. IquanW
At the end of the day it's important that we support each other. Munny Social showed me that people who were and weren't familiar with the Artoholik brand still found a reason to love it. We look forward to bringing you more kick ass events and ARTOmemories. - AleeshaW
[three_fourth_last]WORDS from THE CREWTESTIMONIALS

All three socials were great events, they allowed us to express ourselves without being judged. -Toya N.

Munny social is great because you're having fun with other artists, that's sort of rare here in Newark - Louis R.


[one_half]RECAP PHOTOS via Flickr (mobile friendly version)

[one_half_last]RECAP VIDEO via VIMEO

Recap: Munny Social (October) from The Artoholiks on Vimeo.


Recap: Munny Social (August)

Munny Social

On August 25th in Downtown Newark at Elbowroom, 30+ Munny Lovers and Artoholiks met up to create, eat, chill and enjoy a niche event on a summer afternoon. Head Artoholik IquanW created this event to share a passion point that he discovered earlier this spring. Since he received a great response on his collection via the internet, Iquan decided to create an event in which he could physically show off his work, share tips and create a fun event for friends and local artists.

Munny Social

Starting at 1pm, guest arrived prepared with their tools and ideas for their custom Munny experience. Upon arrival, each guest was greeted with a bag that contained their Munny, a black Sharpie, Art is Dope buttons and stickers from Branded Baron. The process was simple... get your bag, name tag, and get stamped! Guests that RSVP'ed via Meetup or Eventbrite were stamped with the RED Artoholik Astroman, certifying them as an Artoholik. Guests who did not RSVP were welcomed and stamped with a BLACK Artoholik Astroman. Once guests received their name tag, they were directed to pass the name tag to the host from Elbow Room. The host then used the tag to complete attendees food order and bring guests their selection. In addition to being used to grab a bite, tags were also used for goodie bag drawings and photos. Goodie bags contained swag from Modern Amusement, Sprayground and Branded Baron.

Munny Social

Throughout the event, Artoholik AleeshaW ran giveaways, entertained guest with jokes and then put all artists on the spot by making them share their inspiration for their custom Munny. "The event turned out better than planed" said IquanW who had only 2 weeks to prep for the event. Between Aleesha and Iquan, they had to sell tickets, brand event, order supplies, connect with sponsors and partners and lastly, gather team. Speaking of event team, Laytonic provided the sounds for the afternoon while Guru documented the entire event via Photo and Video and then a last minute co-host Shirley jumped in to decorate and make every guest welcomed. "This is what the Artoholiks are about!" said AleeshaW.

Munny Social

Guests included local Artists Jerry Gant, Lauren Craig aka (Inafabworld), Forever Audacious, Hycide and Andres Jimenez. Munny Social was also blessed with very talented artists such as Steve Cancel, Joe Baron, Dominiqué la Reine and surprise attendees Steve Janowicz and Randy Smith. While Dominiqué la Reine had the best and most talked about Munny, Iquan's old high school buddy walked away with the best design award. We're working hard to get the 2nd Munny Social together, in the meantime enjoy these beautiful images whipped up by the Artoholiks own IquanW and Guru. Enjoy!

Munny Social

Peep more photos on our flickr or facebook streams.